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SmartPilot.ca has provided a collection of interactive media from a variety of sources.
Select any of the descriptions to view the complete program on a selected topic.

ASI Flight Risk Evaluator

course thumbnailUnderstanding unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), if they are safe and how they affect one's flying. This course examines UAS operations and illustrates how pilots and UAS can safely coexist in the National Airspace System. (approx. 30 minutes).

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Aging Gracefully, Flying Safely

course thumbnailDiscussion on how aging impacts a pilot's performance and adjustments that can be made. (approx. 45-60 minutes).

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Do The Right Thing: Decision Making For Pilots

course thumbnailMaking the right choices isn't always easy. This course offers some simple but effective ways to improve your aeronautical decision making skills. No psychology degree required! (approx. 45-60 minutes)

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Real Pilot Stories

course thumbnailHear pilot's detailed accounts of what went wrong and, more importantly, what they learned.

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Accident Case Study: VFR into IMC

course thumbnailVFR flight into instrument meteorological conditions is a leading cause of fatla GA accidents. This minicourse re-creates an actual VFR-IMC accident and examines the lessons we can learn from it. (approx. 20-30 minutes).

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We would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada for this initiative through the Search and Rescue New Initiative Fund (SAR NIF).