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Uncontrolled Aerodrome

One of the realities behind living in the second largest country in the world is that the only way to reach many parts of Canada is by Aircraft. As a result, Canada is populated by a huge number of places to land – everything from International Airports, to smaller General Aviation Aerodromes, to thousands of privately-owned airstrips spread from coast to coast to coast.

The purpose of this video is to either acquaint, or more likely, reacquaint you with the correct way to operate out of the different kinds of landing strips you’ll encounter while flying across this vast nation.


Radio and flight procedures for landing and departing Non-Tower Aerodromes using ATF and MF.

Departing a MF Aerodrome

Radio and flight procedures for departing a MF Aerodrome.

Landing at a MF Aerodrome

Radio and flight procedures for landing at a MF Aerodrome.

Departing an ATF Aerodrome

Radio and flight procedures for departing an ATF Aerodrome.

Landing at an ATF Aerodrome

Radio and flight procedures for landing at an ATF Aerodrome.

Nordo Introduction

An Introduction into NORDO flight regulations and when they are applicable.

Nordo Arriving and Departing

NORDO flight regulations for Arriving and Departing a NORDO Aerodrome.

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We would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada for this initiative through the Search and Rescue New Initiative Fund (SAR NIF).