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The Airmanship series explores various aspects of aviation that will help you to be better prepared for your flight, and to ultimately fly smarter and safer.

Fuel Management

Fuel Management errors kill approximately 40 pilots a year in North America. A review of the accident reports reveals that most of these could have been avoided with Proper fuel management.

Abort Points

Take off and landing accidents account for over 15% of all fatal general aviation accidents. These occur when the pilot has neglected to understand two important concepts - aircraft per-formance, and the abort point.

Improbably 180

When your engine fails at low altitude you have two options - land straight ahead making slight heading changes or attempt a turn back to the runway you just departed from. Turning back has been called the “Impossible turn”, and certainly for many pilots it has been just that as their turn back attempt has quickly turned into a deadly stall/spin.

Back to Basics: Slow Flight

The last time you spent any time in extended slow flight was probably during your flight training - and it likely took a while for you to get it right. Whether you realize it or not, the airplane passes through slow flight every time you take-off and every time you land which makes it an important skill to master.

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The last time you spent any time in extended slow flight was probably during your flight training - and it likely took a while for you to get it right. Whether you realize it or not, the airplane passes through slow flight every time you take-off and every time you land which makes it an important skill to master.

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We would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada for this initiative through the Search and Rescue New Initiative Fund (SAR NIF).